Tennessee ‘Furries’ Will Have Float in Nashville Pride Parade

People dressed up in furry suits

A group of Tennessee “furries” will have a float in Nashville’s 2024 gay pride parade.

“Wowie! We’re so proud to be doing this again! If you guys remember from last year, we made international news and were seen by Jill Biden, First Lady of the United States! Pretty dang cool, huh?” said a group called MurfreesFurs on its website. “Well, now EVERY FURRY GROUP IN TENNESSEE is joining us! We are sponsoring and paying for everyone to get involved with us in unity, and we can’t wait to see the fandom united under a beautiful cause! Each furry group is going to get together in decorating and building the float with their own designs, and then we march or ride in the parade!”

The parade is on June 22.

Furries are defined as “a diverse community of fans, artists, writers, gamers, and role players. Most furries create for themselves an anthropomorphized animal character (fursona) with whom they identify and can function as an avatar within the community,” according to FurScience.com.

Murfresboro Furries

That website notes that the large majority of furries are not heterosexual.

“Approximately one-third identify as exclusively heterosexual; furries are about five times more likely to identify as exclusively homosexual than the general population,” the site says.

According to MurfreesFurs, that is a high estimate. The group bragged that 90 percent of furries are not heterosexual.

“Happy Pride Month!” the group said on its X account on June 1. “We’re happy to be here for you all in one of the biggest times for the furry fandom – Pride Month! Furries and Pride have a long and deeply intertwined history, including a study estimating that only ~10% of furries are actually heterosexual!”

Some conservative commentators have posited that soon, bestiality could normalized alongside the rest of the LGBT groups.

In Australia, outraged parents pulled their children out of school in April after bestiality was taught alongside LGBT curriculum.

According to a report from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation:

Students say they were then given an explanation of the initialism LGBTQIA+, with each word and its meaning displayed on the screen.

‘There was a slide for what the ‘plus’ means, and they just started randomly saying words that no-one knew, like bestiality,’ [a student] said.

The students said bestiality was then explained in detail and the presenter seemed to imply it was something practised by people who identified as LGBTQIA+.

‘They said [the queer community] just accepts all of it, even though … isn’t it illegal?’ [the student] said.

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Pete D’Abrosca is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Pete on Twitter/X.
Photos “MurfreesFurs” by MurfreesFurs — Tennessee Furry Fandom.



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10 Thoughts to “Tennessee ‘Furries’ Will Have Float in Nashville Pride Parade”

  1. Thaler

    I really don’t think these are Tennesseans forcing these parades in Nashville, Chattanooga or anywhere in Tennessee, these must be outside groups forcing these parades and businesses getting rich off of selling these products.

  2. Barry Gregory

    God has given them over to a “depraved mind”. They worship and serve the creature rather than the Creator. When you refuse to acknowledge that an unborn child is a child and you refuse to accept your obvious God-given gender as true…being a freebie is normal… and depraved.


    This is what you get when you elect Members of the Democrat Socialists of America. This is no longer the quaint Christian home town with moral standards that it used to be. People uprooting their families to move to a conservative environment, are being grossly misinformed by a dishonest media.
    Mayor Freddie has announced he will place a question on the November ballot for DAVIDSON COUNTY RESIDENTS TO CONSIDER. It’s his ” TRANSPORTATION” dream plan, which taxpayers will be on the hook for Billions of dollars for many years. Actually, we will never be off the hook.
    We have not been told the truth about the PLAN. It’s less about changes in transportation modalities, & more about changes in Government planned Communities, which will not require transportation at all. The Government will use its power to take Private Property & build little subsidized cities.
    LET THAT SINK IN… TAKE YOUR PROPERTY. IM concerned for our Historic Cemeteries near downtown.
    If you’ve been keeping up with the WEF (WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM), one of their stated goals is to build 15 minute cities where you won’t own anything, “AND YOU WILL BE HAPPY”.) SOUNDS A LOT LIKE SOCIALISM, don’t you think?
    In a Socialist Society, there are two classes of citizens: THE HAVES & THE HAVE NOTS. THE ELITES & THE SERFS or SUBJECTS.
    ALSO, the cost will not be in the Billion Dollar range, but instead the Trillon Dollar range.
    At the rate our children are being sterilized, you won’t have to worry about your Grandchildren’s future.
    DO YOU KNOW IF ILLEGALS WILL BE ALLOWED TO VOTE IN NOVEMBER? They will be the biggest benefactors of Socialism.

  4. D.J.

    Reject God, reap the whirlwind.

  5. Randall Davidson

    How much money do we as a city and state spend on this? We don’t need a parade for this, nor a month……..

  6. mikey whipwreck

    they dont just put on the suits. they have s3x in them.

  7. Steve Allen

    Grow up.

  8. Jbird

    Well Nashville has gone to hell like the rest of the liberal cities in the Northeast .
    I and my family will never go into this city again.
    Thanks all you deviants from hell. No longer a Christian town.

  9. Tim Price

    What has become of us?

    We are lost!

  10. Randy

    I’m not sure which is worse, the mental defectives behaving this way or the people that are trying to normalize their behavior telling them that its ok. Stop the nonsense, if people want to escape the rigors of everyday life into a fantasy thats fine. Attempting to force others to accept their delusions as normal behavior instead of dealing with the rigors or real life is unacceptable in a civil society. You cant have a trophy for this.
